CareGiver and client looking at flowers

Anxiety and how to manage it

Published: 10/05/2023

Anxiety and how to manage it

In today’s world, anxiety is very common and affects many people with their day-to-day life. It is a mental health condition that can cause feelings like fear and worry. There are many causes and effects of anxiety which we will discuss in this blog while offering some solutions and comforts to help ease those feelings.

Anxiety can be caused by many different factors, such as:

  • Genetics- Anxiety can run in the family, so some peoples genetics may cause them to have these feelings.
  • Lifestyle- Eating poorly, not exercising, taking drugs, and drinking alcohol can lead to developing anxiety.
  • Trauma and environment- A stressful life, poor living conditions, and trauma can cause a person to develop worried and fearful feelings.
  • Health conditions- Some conditions can cause a person to develop anxiety.

Just like the causes, symptoms can be different for everyone. For some people, the effects can be mild, whereas other people may experience more severe symptoms. Common symptoms include excessive worrying, avoiding certain situations, panic attacks, repetitive thoughts or actions, headaches, and stomach-aches.

There are many ways to manage and beat anxiety. Each person will have their own preferences for what works for them, so it’s worth trying different techniques to find something that works for you. Some examples that may help you to reduce your anxiety are as follows:

  • Speaking to a professional can help a person to overcome these feelings. Professionals may offer specific types of therapy for someone’s needs or find a medication to help manage it.
  • Finding ways to help you relax can reduce anxiety. This could be a form of meditation, taking a bath, or watching a favourite show.
  • Another way to improve these feelings are keeping distracted. Having a hobby or meeting friends can take someone’s mind away from their anxiety and improve their feelings.
  • Maintaining regular exercise can help someone to improve their anxiety.
  • Speaking to family and friends can also help to take the weight off a person’s shoulders. Opening up isn’t always easy, but it can make a big difference.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with anxiety, speaking to someone can help. It’s important to take care of your health and live a happy life.