How to Make the Festive Period Special for Your Elderly Relatives or Neighbours

Published: 23/12/2022

The festive period is a time of joy and togetherness, but for elderly relatives and neighbours, it can be a lonely period. With some extra thought and planning, you can make sure your loved ones feel special and cared for this Christmas. Here are some ideas on how to bring warmth, fun, and laughter into their holiday season. 


Making Memories 

The holidays are a great time to relive family memories with your elderly relatives or neighbours. Feel free to break out the photo albums and share stories about days gone by. Even if they’re unable to recall every detail, these conversations will bring back fond memories that will last a lifetime. If you have younger children visiting your aging loved one or neighbour, they’ll especially appreciate the chance to connect with their elders through storytelling.  


Family Traditions 

Christmas is the perfect time to start new traditions that everyone in the family can enjoy together. Whether it’s baking Christmas cookies or playing board games after dinner – having something special that everyone looks forward to each year can add a sense of anticipation and excitement during this festive season.  Encourage your family members to suggest ideas on what activities would be enjoyable for everyone taking part (especially your elderly relative/neighbour). This will ensure that everyone is included in the celebrations in meaningful ways. 

Avoiding Family Squabbles  

No matter how close-knit a family may be, there is always potential for disagreements during the holidays – especially when there are several generations present under one roof! It’s important to set ground rules before any conflicts arise in order to avoid hurt feelings or heated arguments. Be respectful of each other’s opinions, show understanding towards differing perspectives, and know when it's best not to engage in difficult conversations so as not to invoke negative emotions. The goal should be for everyone – including your elderly relative/neighbour –to feel heard, appreciated and loved  throughout the holiday season!  

Connecting Remotely 

If you’re unable to be physically present with your elderly relatives this holiday season, connect remotely! Schedule regular video calls so they can see your face and talk with you in real-time. If they don’t have access to video chat technology, consider sending them a physical card or letter so they know you’re thinking of them. You could also send them care packages with items like personalized cards, chocolates and other treats, photos of the family, puzzles and games – anything that will help them enjoy the festive season from afar.  

Caring for Elderly Neighbours 

If you live close enough by an elderly neighbor who doesn’t have any family members nearby this holiday season, why not reach out? Consider dropping off festive treats at their door or call them up for a friendly chat about the latest news or reminisce about past Christmases. Do your best to make sure no one feels alone at this special time of year!


This festive period, take some extra time out of your busy schedule to ensure that your elderly relatives or neighbours feel special and cared for amidst all the festivities going on around them! Bring warmness into their lives by sharing old memories together; start new family traditions that include everyone; and strive to foster an atmosphere where everyone feels respected while maintaining peace within the family unit. Doing so will make sure this Christmas is full of joyous moments filled with love that will last long beyond December 25th!


If you need any help with care or companionship for your relatives or neighbours give the team at Right At Home South Liverpool a call on 0151 665 0365 or go to