Team Members

David Baxter

Business Owner

Right at Home Tyneside is no ordinary care provider. As one of our recent recommendations says; FINALLY A CARE COMPANY THAT CARES!!

Why are we different?

This is a business where I, the owner, am involved on a day to day basis and clients are afforded 24 / 7 access, if required, via my personal mobile number. First and foremost we are about supporting the vulnerable people who place their trust in us. We aim to exceed their expectations; going the extra mile is the norm and only the best will do.

I make delivering your individual needs and choices our number one objective and stand behind this promise with a unique, no quibble money back guarantee. We are here to help and offer a free, no obligation assessment, working with you to design a care plan that is unique to you and that will be delivered by carers of your choice at a time of your choosing.

The proof of the pudding is there for all to see on, a nationally recognised home care comparison website, where we have a recommendation score of 9.9 out of 10 and have received the top 10 UK provider award for 2015.

You also have the peace of mind that our local office is part of a global network of highly trained, passionate and motivated carers, managers and owners. We all pride ourselves on having a can do attitude and can’t is not a word we recognise!! We have a great team that guarantees outstanding care from individuals where perfection is not quite good enough. By chasing perfection, we achieve excellence.

The whole team at Right at Home Tyneside is special and is dedicated to providing the best. From the moment you first get in touch with us, to when we’re providing support and assistance, your personal needs and choices are our number one priority. From a little help around the house to 24 / 7 live-in care.

I personally meet all our customers on a regular face to face basis, and know all of the carers personally, and I’m always delighted to hear from people who may have questions or queries, perhaps just need to know more about Right at Home Tyneside or have ideas to share with us.

To contact me you can email me on  [email protected] or you can give me a call on 0191 215 5555.