Warmth without worry

Staying cosy on a budget

Published: 24/11/2023

Warmth without worry: staying cosy on a budget

Even if we’re set for a milder winter, stormy and windy weather still brings chilly mornings and evenings – and keeping warm is essential, especially for those of us with health issues and physical challenges.

Ideally, we should all be keeping our homes between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius, but with energy costs remaining high, this can be a challenge. The Centre for Sustainable Energy provides a few tips for keeping warm without costing the earth – we’ve summarised a few of our favourites:

  1. Prioritise one room to heat: turn the radiators down or off in rooms where you spend less of your time. Smaller rooms warm up faster, so cost less to heat.


  1. Eliminate draughts where you can: closing internal doors helps to retain heat inside warmer rooms. Drawing the curtains once the sun goes down and using draught excluders or rolled up blankets help to fill gaps under doors, can also help keep the cold at bay.


  1. Wrap up warm: warm woolly jumpers, blankets or even heated throws are great for feeling cosy on cold days. Wearing thick warm socks, slippers – and even a scarf also help. Layer up if you need to.


  1. Keep active: movement helps generate heat inside your body to help you warm up. Something as simple as walking around the house or moving on the spot makes a difference. If you’re up for it, a walk outside is great for your well-being – and will make you feel all the warmer when you return home.


  1. Make a hot drink or meal: a cuppa can work wonders! Getting up to boil the kettle or prepare a nutritious meal not only keeps you active, but consuming them will warm you up. Filling the kettle with only the water you need will also help you save on your energy bills.