Preparing for Spring: tips for gardeners

Published: 16/02/2024

Hot house daffodils may have started to appear in shops as early as January, but the freezing temperatures that followed reminded us that Spring has not yet arrived. It is around the corner though and it’s never too early to prepare for it.

February is the month to prepare your seed beds, as long as the ground isn’t frozen. You can use fleece, polythene or cloche to keep the soil warm. Provided the thermometer stays above freezing, you can also start to plant broad beans, carrots, parsnips, radish, peas and spinach outside under cloches, or wait until March or April for the weather to warm up.

Flower-wise, before you plant your bare-root roses, hyacinths or daffodil bulbs outside in March, you can plant begonia and dahlia tubers in compost-filled pots in February. They fare better in temperatures over 10 degrees Celsius, so you may need to bring them inside on cold nights.

Just a reminder that Right at Home team prides ourselves on providing the best care for you or your loved ones at home, not our green thumbs so please don’t hold us hold us responsible for the state of your blooms!

If you’re after top notch gardening tips or have advice to share, why not join our Dementia Friendly Gardening Club? We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 14:00pm -15:00pm in Emsworth Community Centre. We’d love to see you there!