Menopause Awareness at Right at Home Solent: Southampton, Fareham, Gosport & New Forest

Menopause Awareness and Support with Right at Home Solent

Published: 18/10/2023

World Menopause Awareness Day

World Menopause Day is held each year on October 18th to raise awareness, break the stigma and highlight the support available for improving health and well-being for those experiencing menopause.
Did you know that three out of five working women aged between 45 and 55 who are experiencing menopause symptoms say it has a negative impact on them at work? More than half of this group said they experienced more stress, and nearly a third of women have taken sick leave due to their symptoms; only a quarter told managers the real reason (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development - CIPD).

Menopause at Right at Home Solent

Ali, our Right at Home Solent Office Manager, shared her experience with menopause in hopes that it will encourage other women to talk about it. Being the Mental Health First Aid Support for our CareGivers across Southampton, Fareham, Gosport and the New Forest, Ali advocates communication and talking about what you're going through. Not everyone feels comfortable discussing stigmatised issues like Mental Health or menopause, but by talking about our experiences, we can help each other with general well-being and coping strategies. A problem shared is a problem halved.

Ali started going through menopause when she was 34, and after two years of various symptoms, Ali had a hysterectomy in the hopes that she wouldn't experience any more symptoms. Unfortunately, at 38, her symptoms returned with a vengeance and continued until she was 51.
Amongst this, Ali was also diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at 49. They believe that Ali could have had Diabetes for many years before the diagnosis, as some symptoms are similar to those associated with menopause. This overlap in symptoms is why it's even more important to talk about things and get seen by medical professionals. Ali may have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes earlier, which may have made her symptoms more manageable or provided an explanation for her.

What services and support do we offer our Clients with Diabetes?

Menopause Symptoms

Since going through menopause and out the other side, Ali has lost three stone and two pounds by attending Slimming World classes. Weight gain is a common symptom of menopause; it doesn't matter what diet you try. 2023 is the second year in a row that Ali has been out of the diabetic range, from nine tablets to four, with the aim that one day she can go down to one. Ali constantly watches what she eats and continues to make better, healthier options. "There are nights that I may get a night sweat, but now I know this is my Diabetes... So if I have been naughty, I sweat the sugar out." - this is also a common symptom of menopause, so it's easy to ignore this and assume it's menopause.

Menopause Symptoms Ali Had for 12 Years Include:

  • Hot flushes
  • Migraines
  • Night sweats
  • Panic Attacks
  • Foggy brain
  • Weight Gain – despite diet!
  • Feeling tired at the strangest time of the day
  • Thyroid symptoms (I couldn't wear anything around my neck because it felt strangling.)
  • Not able to sleep through the night

Menopause Relief

Ali took HRT tablets (Hormone Replacement Therapy), which only 14% of women experiencing menopause in the UK are on. HRT can help relieve symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, neither HRT patches nor gel helped Ali. "All the medication I took to make menopause that small bit easier, actually just enhanced my symptoms. I eventually understood that I just had to accept what I going through and learn to live with it".

Ali found a few different things that she could do that helped alleviate some of her symptoms. Reducing her caffeine intake helped, and reducing her alcohol intake and sugar are among the changes Ali made to her lifestyle. 

Changes that Help Ali's Menopause Experience:

  • Reducing Caffeine Intake (Tip: switch to decaf if you can't forgo your morning coffee)
  • Eat More Fresh Food such as fruit and vegetables – and try to stay away from fatty foods!
  • Reduce Alcohol Intake
  • Reduce All Sugars
  • Drink More Water (Tip: Use fresh fruit to infuse the water - it's a great way of drinking more water for those who struggle with this!)
  • Carry On Exercising – Walking, Swimming and Bike Riding. "I get out and do some exercise whenever I can!"
  • Cotton Sheets on the Bed at Night
  • A Cool Mat – "I found being able to put my feet on this during the night helped a lot, I still use it now."
  • Talking About It To Others - "Especially my husband, having someone close to you that understands what is happening to you really helps, and what a superstar he was!"
  • Wear Looser Clothing
  • Have a Sense of Humour About It – "If I was having a flush, I would say 'I'm just having a moment!'"

Menopause in the Workplace

Menopause can affect a person's work and the colleagues around them; it's crucial to communicate with your employer what support you need. 10% of women leave their jobs due to menopause. Luckily, Ali felt comfortable talking to our lovely directors at Right at Home Solent and had an honest and open conversation about what she needed. Amy and Kev had regular catch-ups with Ali and continued open and honest communication to support her to the best of their abilities. Here's a few things they put in place:

  • Amy and Kev ensured Ali didn't feel overworked and took enough breaks. She was able to reduce her hours and introduce flexible working. 
  • "If I was wearing a uniform, I was able to change into something more comfortable, i.e. cotton."
  • Ensuring there was cold water available in the office
  • Ensuring there was enough ventilation in the office and access to a fan. "I know I had a fan on all the time, even in winter!"
  • If in the office, Ali could leave her workspace to cool down and take 5 minutes to herself.
  • Employers and colleagues to have an understanding of the situation

If you would like to have a chat with our lovely Ali about menopause, please don't hesitate to give her a call. You can contact Ali on 01329 233755. Right at Home Solent is here for you!

Here are some useful links to check out, and don't feel embarrassed talking about your experience and struggles.


