Volunteering with Southampton Dementia Festival

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Published: 15/07/2021

I have been volunteering with  Southampton Dementia Festival for the past few months. Culminating in 5 days of COVID-19 friendly sessions and events last week.

The Southampton Dementia Festival happens because of community volunteers. We are like-minded people, all passionate about supporting people with dementia. In addition, Southampton’s organisation’s and business have demonstrated their public spirit to make it happen.

The Impact of Social Restrictions.

People living with dementia have suffered a lot in the past 18 months. So, we needed to make this festival happen. In fact, it is hard to imagine how people with dementia and their families have coped. Lockdown has been difficult for us all, with the loss of regular routines. But, imagine living with dementia through COVID-19?  Think about how confusing and frustrating it seemed? And, imagine you are a loved one trying to access timely support? To say it has been difficult is an understatement.

The threat of the pandemic and restrictions has caused isolation and fear. As well as people with dementia experiencing:

  • Loneliness.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Confusion.

Furthermore, the lack of face to face support for family and carers has created:

  • Stress and Anxiety.
  • Burn -Out.
  • Isolation.

Reconnecting to Support.

Indeed, reconnecting with the community is essential. Our well-being improves. Moreover, we can learn what it is to be a  dementia-friendly community.  By using different ways to communicate, the festival reached across Hampshire. We hosted many fun and informative online sessions. In addition, held small social gatherings. Meaning we could chat with people in person. Our festival brochure went out to 2000 homes across the city. Reaching as diverse an audience as possible.

Everyone Could Take Part.

We held an informative and varied online programme. From professors to exercise, there was something for everyone. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we met at Mayfield Nurseries in person. To soak up the sunshine and social atmosphere. A place where we met new friends and reconnected with old ones. We walked and talked at Southampton Common on Friday. A fabulous end to a fantastic week. The festival may be over for 2021, but it’s great to know the support in Southampton continues.

I am Rachel. I work in community engagement for Right at Home Solent. My role means I  support organisations in the areas we offer our services. Being part of the Right at Home family means supporting and helping the community. It’s fantastic to link with so many inspiring people. Who, all go above and beyond to help. And whose passion make ambitions happen. Supporting people to live well with dementia is close to my heart. Volunteering with Southampton Dementia Festival has been a pleasure.