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Meet our Franchise Office Team

Jemma Thompson

Quality and Compliance Manager

Jemma has worked in the care sector for 24 years, starting out as a Carer at the age of 18. The passion for quality and compliance eventually meant becoming the Registered Manager of a Care Home and Care at Home service with dual registration in 2015.

But it didn’t stop there. Jemma then oversaw an extension to the service to include a Dementia Friendly care home and an Independent Living service.

“I took my care home from Good to Outstanding with CQC and gained a 10 on We were the only care home within the provider group to get either of these ratings.  I was very proud of my service and my team.”

Jemma’s passion lies within quality and compliance and has often assisted other services within the group to maintain all their records, Health and Safety documentation, compliance with CQC and the training of new managers to the group. 

While the children are older now, they keep Jemma very busy, alongside Jasper – the very excitable Cocker Spaniel. Outside of work you’ll also find her enjoying some family time on Cornish beaches – we’re all jealous!