Carer Career Progression
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- Carer Career Progression
Careers in care are diverse and flexible; every Carer’s career path will be unique to their goals and circumstances.
Climbing the career ladder as a Carer offers increased earning potential and opportunities to move into more specialist roles. As a member of the Right at Home team, we can guide you every step of the way and help you to evolve from a good Carer into a great one. With our bespoke, industry-leading training programmes, we can help you to shape your own unique path as a professional care worker.
If you’re looking to take the next step in your career in care, find your local office and speak to a friendly member of our team. Whether you are just starting out as a Carer or you are in a more senior position, there are plenty of opportunities for development.
Common Carer career paths
1) Most junior members of our team join as a Carer.
2) After gaining experience and undergoing training, Carers often progress to become Senior CareGivers.
3) Some Senior CareGivers choose to undertake further training to become a Specialist Carer in their chosen field of expertise. Some areas team members choose to specialise in include: Dementia Care, End of Life Care, Cancer Care and Live-in Care.
4) Other team members choose to train as a Care Coordinator. Care Coordinators work closely with CareGivers, Clients and Management to plan book and schedule visits and learn the intricacies of defining a personalised Care Plan.
5) Team members in any roles of our business can, and have, progressed into senior roles such as a Deputy Care Manager or a Registered Manager for a local community.
Management roles in homecare
If you have aspirations to become a Care Coordinator, a Deputy Care Manager or even a Registered Manager, there are a number of ways you can get there. Each role in homecare management offers a unique set of responsibilities and requires a slightly different subset of your skills.
A Care Coordinator role requires strong organisational skills and the ability to work under pressure. Whilst Deputy Care Manager roles focus more on developing experience in assessing the needs of an individual and team leadership.
To become a Registered Manager, you will need to experience working in a care team before you gain specialist qualifications. You must also be confident in maintaining strong relationships with Clients, their families and your colleagues. Fortunately, you will likely acquire the skills needed for these roles throughout any career in homecare.
Alternatively, you may prefer to remain working in the field, supporting Clients face-to-face.
Take our Care Job Match quiz to confirm which type of Carer role or career path suits you best.
What training do I need to progress into higher roles?
Continuous training and development are essential in the care industry. From learning compulsory skills needed to be a Carer for the elderly to more specialist training, there is always an opportunity to grow and learn.
Certain roles require the ability to negotiate and manage a budget, while others require an understanding of the different medical conditions our Clients may have. With our extensive support, we can help people grow into a wide range of roles, even beyond the health care sector. These roles include:
- Leadership and management
- Finance
- Compliance
- Recruitment
- Marketing
Every role is different, so having a good idea of the role you are aiming for can help to guide you towards the relevant training.
Read our guide to different types of jobs in health and social care. Or take a look at our training opportunities.
Is being a Carer a professional job?
Carers are highly-skilled professionals who are responsible for making a real difference to the lives of Clients. In order to cater successfully to Client needs, our Carers are required to possess professional and personal skills and to demonstrate exceptional commitment to the role.
Whilst it is possible to receive a job offer without previous training or experience, you will complete extensive training from day one before you qualify as a professional Carer.
There are also certain restrictions and regulations in place in order for us to provide the level of service that we do here at Right at Home.
How much is a Carer’s salary?
Ensuring our Carers enjoy a healthy work-life balance is important to us and this is reflected in the above-average salaries we offer. That is how we have earned our reputation as one of the best paying care agencies in the UK. Our rates of pay are fairly attributed to the years’ experience you have and the number of hours that you work.
If you’re interested in how much a Carer can earn at each stage of their career progression, take a look at our Care Salary Calculator.