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Caring for our CareGivers in Carers Week

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Published: 10/06/2019

We are saying a big ‘thank you’ to our team of caregivers this week by providing them with mini pamper sessions during national Carers Week (11 to 17 June).

“Our caregivers do the most amazing job every day (and night) for all our clients and we wanted to say thank you to them to recognise what a vital and worthwhile job they do. In wider society, caring is sometimes an undervalued job but at Right at Home, that is never the case,” says Managing Director Alastair Shanks. “Their work is as important to us as it is to our clients and their loved ones.” 

Carers Week is a national awareness campaign supported by nine charities and sponsors, including Age UK, disability charity Sense, the mental health charity Mind and British Gas, which aims to raise awareness of the important and demanding work provided by carers and the challenges they face.

Alastair continues: “As providers of care to people in their own homes – care which helps clients hold on to a degree of independence for longer – we know that this work can be challenging at times. It is also, of course, a highly rewarding career choice and we want to make sure all of our caregivers are sufficiently supported in their jobs so that they enjoy what they do and look forward to coming to work each day.”

The pamper sessions are just one way that Right at Home looks after its staff. Right at Home GF also holds a monthly Time for Carers Café in a local pub. The informal monthly coffee mornings are an opportunity for team members to get together for a catch up and have proved very popular since they were introduced earlier this year.

“Carers who look after their family members at home will tell you how important it is to look after yourself and to talk to others about how you are feeling. That is very much our approach too. Staff communication, providing training and ensuring manageable workloads that fit round our caregivers’ lives are just a few of the things we do all year round to make being a caregiver at Right at Home the great job it is,” says Alastair Shanks.

Right at Home hopes that Carers Week will raise the profile of caregiving as an attractive career option to young people as well as those looking for a new challenge later in life. Right at Home’s clients include people of all ages living with long term health conditions and serious illness needing personal care, live in care and companionship.

Interested in joining our team? Find out more and apply.