Local events for the whole community - Guildford, Farnham, Godalming, Farnborough, Fleet & Aldershot

A creative approach to caring

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Published: 29/01/2016

Right at Home GF is sponsoring a pilot session for both family and professional carers at the Farnham Maltings in March. It will be an informal session including a lighthearted workshop with actor Sophie Russell (RSC, National Theatre) to look at the benefits of a creative approach to caring.

You will learn tricks of an actor’s trade – improvisation techniques which have been used for centuries by serious actors and clowns alike to manoeuvre awkward situations – such as when another actor gives them the wrong line, a piece of scenery malfunctions, or a whole host of other possible live hiccups.

By transferring this ability to a care situation, carers should feel freed up to explore more interesting possibilities and equipped with the ‘yes’ approach to an unfamiliar situation. For example, when someone with dementia retreats into an alternative reality and would benefit from their carer ‘going along with it’ for a bit.

This workshop is a gentle introduction to these techniques with a fun and understanding workshop leader; no experience necessary.

There will be the opportunity to meet other carers over a glass of wine and chat generally about how the arts can contribute meaningfully to carer wellbeing and happiness.

For more information, please contact Kath Boddy at Farnham Maltings: [email protected] or 01252 745406.

This event is sponsored by the Right at Home Dementia Delay Programme.

Title: Care for Carers
When: 7-9pm, Monday 14th March
Where: Farnham Maltings, Farnham, Surrey GU9 7QR
Tickets: £6 to include refreshments
Book: Farnham Maltings website