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Dementia and the Power of Music

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Published: 06/10/2022

Music is extremely powerful and can have a dramatic impact on people living with dementia. When we are young, we respond to music long before we respond to speech, it is very much connected to our emotions. I know this very well from a personal perspective, when I listen to my late Mum’s playlist it strongly evokes memories of how I felt about her.

From running our regular Singing for the Mind groups in the local area I have seen first-hand how people living with dementia, who may have stopped engaging verbally with others, really respond to certain music. It is fabulous to see someone who appears to have retreated into themselves spontaneously get up and start dancing because they are enjoying themselves so much. If you want to see this for yourself just search the internet for a video “Henry Alive Inside”.

Why does music have such an impact?

We know that as dementia progresses your thinking and decision making become more emotionally driven. Music accesses different parts of your brain that are closely connected to your emotions. So, I believe that this means that as you find more normal day to day communication more challenging, your brain becomes more receptive and responsive to music. 

How can I support my loved one to enjoy music more?

Locally Right at Home runs a Singing for the Mind group at Farnham Maltings every Monday at 1.30pm which is especially for those living with dementia, further afield there are other similar groups you can find. 

At home there is plenty you can do from simply putting on some music more often, perhaps building a playlist on Spotify of music you know has a connection for the person with dementia. If you are musically minded then live music or just singing along to some songs is a fantastic way to spend time with someone living with dementia. No one minds if your singing voice is as bad as mine!

Finally, on the 23 October from 2pm “Musical Memories” will be taking place at the Farnham Maltings. This is open to all and is a fun, musical afternoon with local harmony singers In Accord. To book tickets call Farnham Maltings on 01252 745444 or follow the link https://farnhammaltings.com/events/musical-memories-a-dementia-friendly-concert


Alastair Shanks, Owner Right at Home GF and Dementia Friends Champion


Music from In Accord