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Little things mean a lot at Right at Home

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Published: 15/03/2021

It is often said that it’s the little things that matter in life and this is no less true for Right at Home GF’s clients. That is why our CareGivers pay as much attention to the little things as the big ones when they look after their clients.

Most of us can probably identify with the importance of having our tea or coffee just as we like it but in our latest video we hear from three CareGivers who share some of the more unusual things that matter to their clients.

In our short video, we hear about the importance of conkers, yellow minis and fizzy drinks to some of our clients. It’s a heart-warming video that will make you smile and maybe even prompt thoughts about what little things matter to you or the people around you.

Despite the very big thing of battling a global pandemic, for many of our clients, it’s the little things that make life worthwhile, which is why Right at Home likes to celebrate them whenever we can.

Find out more about how our CareGivers could make a difference to you or a loved one.