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Nature and Dementia

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Published: 05/06/2023

I have recently become a trustee for a fantastic charity called Dementia Adventure. They organise holidays for people living with dementia and those supporting them. The team at Dementia Adventure strongly believes in the power of nature and the positive impact it can have on everyone. All their holidays include an element of enjoying the outdoors and nature.

The benefits of nature

There are many benefits that nature can have on those living with dementia such as:

  1. Reduction of stress and anxiety - some relaxing time in the outdoors can have a fantastic impact on our wellbeing. Imagine walking through some woodland on a warm summer's morning with the wind rustling the leaves above you.
  2. Stimulating memory and cognitive function - nature is full of stimulation for the senses, sounds, smells, sights and even touch. All these things can help with cognitive function and trigger pleasurable memories.
  3. Physical exercise - often getting outdoors involves a bit of exercise, usually just walking but it could be cycling or even an outdoor swim for the adventurous. Exercise is so important for all of us, improving health and wellbeing.
  4. Social interaction - we can use nature effectively to help improve social interaction as well, whether getting involved in an organised group that meets for walks or just using something from the outdoors to support a one-to-one interaction.

Ways to bring some nature into your life

The best way to get involved in nature is to get outside into some nature. Go for a walk in the woods, visit a local National Trust site and explore or simply spend some time in the garden or local park. It is amazing the variety of things that you will see, hear and smell just by slowing down and taking it all in.

For some people getting outdoors may be more difficult, in which case we can bring some nature inside. Grab an old shoe box, head outdoors and collect what you find, fir cones, leaves, conkers, feathers - you will quickly find you have put together a treasure trove of interesting things with different textures and smells that can trigger memories and thoughts.

Nature is a wonderful thing and I believe that every one of us would benefit from spending more time in it.

Alastair Shanks, Owner Right at Home GF and Dementia Friends Champion

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