CareGivers grant ex-nurse’s wish to fly owls over 75 years after she rescued baby owl

Published: 14/02/2023
An ex-nurse was delighted to have her wish to fly owls granted by Right at Home Cardiff & Newport, as part of Right at Home UK’s ten-year anniversary campaign, ‘A Tin Full of Wishes’.
Maisie Ingate, 88, who worked as an NHS district nurse until she retired, was invited to a private owl flying session at the British Birds of Prey Centre, based in the Welsh Botanical Gardens. She was nominated by two of her regular carers.
When Maisie was asked by CareGivers what her wish would be, she immediately knew the answer. She shared a vivid memory from her childhood when she rescued an injured baby owl, which she went on to care for with the help of her father. She has loved birds ever since; often choosing to spend her bi-weekly care calls visiting the park to feed birds or feeding them in her own garden, with the help of CareGivers.
She was accompanied for the day by her CareGiver, Finlay Murphy, who was one of the team members to nominate her.
Maisie said: “I had an absolutely wonderful day. It’s really special that the girls wanted to nominate me! I flew different types of owls and the centre was so accommodating. They made me feel like a real VIP all day long – absolutely spoiling me! My care team often take me out to the park to feed birds or we watch them in my garden – I really love their visits, they’re more like extended family than anything else.”
After spending the entirety of her professional life giving back to others, as a mother and NHS nurse, Right at Home UK felt that Maisie deserved to be chosen as the lucky recipient of her own ‘dream come true’.
CareGivers shared in their nomination that they ‘always look forward to visiting her, hearing her stories and seeing her big smile.’ It appears a caring nature runs in the family for Maisie, whose father, sisters and daughter all became NHS nurses too!
Finlay Murphy, 23, CareGiver at Right at Home Cardiff & Newport, said: “As soon as we heard about the campaign we knew we had to nominate Maisie. It’s always a pleasure to visit her and I look forward to each one. It’s a special job being someone’s carer – you learn so much from them that most of the time it doesn’t even feel like going to work, it’s like visiting family or friends. I’m really glad she’s had such a nice day, she deserves it.”
Maisie’s wish is the ninth to be granted as part of the campaign, celebrating ten years of making a difference to Clients’ lives across the UK. You can read about the rest of the wishes granted throughout the campaign on the Right at Home UK website.
Maisie was delighted to fly three breeds of owls during her
private experience.